The current situation is showing massive cracks in our society.
Whenever an emergency situation arises, there must be way to enage with our citizens through a communciation mechanism.
In the UK just now, it is “turn on your TV” and see what is happening next, and which is not good advice. The formal communication channel between the public sector and their citizens is almost non-existance, and which shows how little our government have really engaged with citizens. My council, for example, has zero digital interaction, and I must go and hunt down a Web site in order to find out key information.
I, too, received an ad-hoc email from my GP, and the first I’ve ever received, but it says little that has no already been said.
So where are the ways that our emergency services can communicate with us? And how do people identity themselves who are isolating? Who knows? But people have taken it on themselves to post these through letterboxes:
For a 21st Century world, where we should be using digital methods, but it is basically a 19th Century approach.