Meet The New Kids on the Crypto Signing Block

Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
9 min readJul 3, 2024

As a cryptography researcher, there’s always something new and shiny coming along, and every day I wake up to a new problem, a new solution, or a new issue. But, there’s one BIG PROBLEM … all of our existing public key methods that we use on the Internet will be cracked by quantum computers. This includes the cracking of our key exchange method (typically ECDH) and of our digital signature methods (typically RSA, ECDSA and EdDSA). For this, NIST standardised the post-quantum cryptography method of Kyber for key exchange/public key encryption and Dilithium, Falcon and SPHINCS+ for digital signatures.

So, now NIST has opened up a new competition, which will look to find alternatives to these Dilithium, Falcon and SPHINCS+, and especially open up new methods for standardisation (as lattice methods have been used for most of the existing standards). These are [here]:

  • Multivariate Signatures (10): 3WISE, DME-Sign, HPPC (Hidden Product of Polynomial Composition), MAYO, PROV (PRovable unbalanced Oil and Vinegar), QR-UOV, SNOVA, TUOV (Triangular Unbalanced Oil and Vinegar), UOV (Unbalanced Oil and Vinegar), and VOX.
  • MPC-in-the-Head Signatures (7): Biscuit, MIRA, MiRitH (MinRank in the Head), MQOM (MQ on my Mind), PERK, RYDE, and SDitH (Syndrome Decoding in the Head).
  • Lattice-based Signatures (6): EagleSign, EHTv3 and EHTv4, HAETAE, HAWK, HuFu (Hash-and-Sign Signatures From Powerful Gadgets), and SQUIRRELS ( Square Unstructured Integer Euclidean Lattice Signature).
  • Code-based Signatures (5): CROSS (Codes and Restricted Objects Signature), Enhanced pqsigRM, FuLeeca, LESS (Linear Equivalence), MEDS (Matrix Equivalence Digital Signature).
  • Symmetric-based Signatures (4): AIMer, Ascon-Sign, FAEST, and SPHINCS-alpha.
  • Other Signatures (4): ALTEQ, eMLE-Sig 2.0 (Embedded Multilayer Equations with Heavy Layer Randomization), KAZ-SIGN (Kriptografi Atasi Zarah), Preon, and Xifrat1-Sign.
  • Isogeny Signatures (1): SQIsign.

And, so, I’ve been running a range of these methods:

  • Ascon-Sign — Digital Signature. Ascon-Sign. Ascon-Sign is a variant of the SPHINCS signature method but using Ascon-Hash and Ascon-XOF17 as building blocks. Overall, ASCON integrates authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD) and a hashing method.
  • UOV Sign — Digital Signature. UOV Sign. The multivariate polynomial problem is now being applied in quantum robust cryptography, where we create a trap door to allow us to quickly solve the n variables with m equations (which are multivariate polynomials). In the following example we sign a message with the private key and verify with the public key. In this case we use the UOV (Unbalanced Oil and Vinegar) cryptography method.
  • Biscuit Sign — Digital Signature. Biscuit Sign. An MPC-in-the-Head approach [2, 3] uses non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge and MPC (Multiparty Computation). With MPC we can split a problem into a number of computing elements, and these can be worked on in order to produce the result, and where none of the elements can see the working out at intermediate stages. It has the great advantage of this method is that we only use symmetric key methods (block ciphers and hashing functions).
  • CROSS. CROSS. CROSS (Codes and Restricted Objects Signature) method. With this we use a Fiat-Shamir transfer within an interactive Zero Knowledge (ZK) Identification protocol. Overall it uses the Restricted Syndrome Decoding Problem (R-SDP) as its base, and which was first introduced in “A new path to code-based signatures via identification schemes with restricted errors”.
  • Raccoon with C Code. Raccoon. Raccoon is a Lattice-based Post Quantum Signature scheme which uses a Fiat Shamir method without aborts (as apposed to the Dilithium method which does Fiat Shamir with aborts). This method allows distributed threshold signatures to be supported [1], and also gives improved support over side channel attacks. Raccoon has been developed by PQShield and has been submitted to the NIST PQC competition for additional signatures. In this case, we will use the C code for Raccoon-128–1, Raccoon-192–3 and Raccoon-256–1 to sign a random message.
  • Raccoon with Python. Raccoon. Raccoon is a Lattice-based Post Quantum Signature scheme which uses a Fiat Shamir method, and has been submitted to the NIST PQC competition for additional signatures.
  • AIMer . AIMer. With AIMer we use a zero-knowledge proof of the preimage knowledge [1] for a one-way function. Both of these use symmetric primitives, and will thus likely to be relatively fast in their implementation.
  • FuLeeca . FuLeeca. While many code-based methods used a Hamming metric, the FuLeeca method uses the Lee metric. This leads to relatively small public key and signature sizes. With code-based signatures, we can use a Fiat-Shamir method into a zero-knowledge identification technique. This often leads to relatively large signatures. As an alterative we can use a Hash-based approach, such as with the McEliece method, and whch leads to small signature sizes, but relatively large public keys. FuLeeca takes this approach, but modifies it with the Lee weight.
  • SPHINCS-α. SPHINCS-α. SPHINCS+ is a stateless hash-based signature scheme that is PQC (Post Quantum Robust). It is generally believed to be a secure method — based on the hardness of reversing the cryptographic hashing method. Now, SPHINCS-α is proposed as a new standard for Round 1 Additional Signatures. This improves on the SPHINCS+ methods, while still keeping its core elements. The addition includes a size-optimal encoding scheme that is applied to tree-structured one-time signatures.
  • FAEST. FAEST. NIST approved Dilithium, Falcon and SPHINCS+ for PQC digital signatures and is now looking at other alternative signatures. One of these is the FAEST digital signature algorithm [1], and which uses symmetric key primitives. This links directly to the security of AES128 (Level 1), AES192 (Level 3) and AES256 (Level 5). A key pair (pk,sk) is defined as: pk=(x,y) and sk=k and where Ek(x)=y. Overall, E is the block cipher to use, k is the private key, and x is a plaintext block. The signature then becomes a non-interactive argument of knowledge of sk. This is similar to the Picnic method, but rather than using the MPC-in-the-Head (MPCitH) framework, it uses the VOLE-in-the-Head method [2].
  • LESS. LESS. LESS (Linear Equivalence Signature Scheme) is a code-based Post Quantum Cryptography method. It uses Fiat-Shamir transformation onto a zero-knowledge identification scheme. It uses a one-round Sigma protocol. The security of LESS depends on the hardness of the Linear Equivalence Problem (LEP). It has a fairly large public key (13,940 bytes for Level 1), and a small private key (32 bytes for Level 1). The signature size is 9,286 bytes (for Level 1). It is relatively slow for signing and verification.
  • MEDS. MEDS. The MEDS (Matrix Equivalence Digital Signature) scheme supports PQC digital signing [1]. Its security is supported by the difficulty of finding an isometry between two equivalent matrix rank-metric codes. From this problem, it integrates a zero-knowledge identification scheme for multiple rounds of a Sigma protocol. The Fiat-Shamir method is then used to create the signature.
  • Wave. Waves. Wave is a code-based hash-and-sign signature scheme [1]. It uses the method defined by Gentry, Peikert and Vaikuntanathan to create a trapdoor function [3]. Overall it has a relatively small signature value, but a relatively large public key.

I haven’t finished assessing all the methods yet, but should finish soon.

Analysis of key and signature size, and performance

The key sizes of Dilithium, Falcon and SPHINCS+ compared with a range of additional Round 1 signatures:

Method                           Public key size    Private key size   Signature size  Security level
Crystals Dilithium 2 (Lattice) 1,312 2,528 2,420 1 (128-bit) Lattice
Crystals Dilithium 3 1,952 4,000 3,293 3 (192-bit) Lattice
Crystals Dilithium 5 2,592 4,864 4,595 5 (256-bit) Lattice

Falcon 512 (Lattice) 897 1,281 690 1 (128-bit) Lattice
Falcon 1024 1,793 2,305 1,330 5 (256-bit) Lattice

Sphincs SHA256-128f Simple 32 64 17,088 1 (128-bit) Hash-based
Sphincs SHA256-192f Simple 48 96 35,664 3 (192-bit) Hash-based
Sphincs SHA256-256f Simple 64 128 49,856 5 (256-bit) Hash-based

RSA-2048 256 256 256

ECC 256-bit 64 32 256

NIST Round 1 Additional Signatures
ASCON-Sign-128f Simple 32 64 17,088 1 (128-bit) Hash-based
ASCON-Sign-192f Simple 48 96 35,664 1 (192-bit) Hash-based

UOV Level I 278,432 237,896 128 1 (128-bit) UOV
UOV Level III 1,225,440 1,044,320 200 3 (192-bit) UOV
UOV Level V 2,869,440 2,436,704 260 5 (256-bit) UOV

Biscuit 128f 50 115 6,726 1 (128-bit) MPC
Biscuit 192f 69 158 15,129 3 (192-bit) MPC
Biscuit 256f 93 212 27,348 5 (256-bit) MPC

Raccoon-128-1 (Lattice) 2,256 14,800 11,524 1 (128-bit) Lattice
Raccoon-192-1 (Lattice) 3,160 18,840 14,544 3 (192-bit) Lattice
Raccoon-256-1 (Lattice) 4,064 26,016 20,330 5 (256-bit) Lattice

AIMER L1 32 16 5,904 1 (128-bit) Symmetric
AIMER L3 48 24 13,080 3 (192-bit) Symmetric
AIMER L5 64 32 25,152 5 (256-bit) Symmetric

CROSS R-SDP Level 1 61 16 12,944 1 (128-bit) Code
CROSS R-SDP Level 3 91 24 37,080 3 (192-bit) Code
CROSS R-SDP Level 5 121 32 51,120 5 (256-bit) Code

pqsigRM-6-13 L1 2,129,400 24,592 1,040 1 (128-bit) Code

FuLecca1 1,318 2,636 1,100 1 (128-bit) Code
FuLecca3 1,982 3,964 1,620 3 (192-bit) Code
FuLecca5 2,638 5,276 2,130 5 (256-bit) Code

SPHINCS-a-sha2-128f 32 64 16,720 1 (128-bit) Hash-based
SPHINCS-a-sha2-192f 48 96 34,896 3 (192-bit) Hash-based
SPHINCS-a-sha2-256f 64 128 49,312 5 (256-bit) Hash-based

FAEST-128f 32 32 6,336 1 (128-bit) Symmetric
FAEST-192f 64 56 16,792 3 (192-bit) Symmetric
FAEST-256f 64 64 28,400 5 (256-bit) Symmetric

LESS-1b 13,940 32 9,286 1 (128-bit) Code
LESS-3b 35,074 48 18,000 3 (192-bit) Code
LESS-5b 65,793 64 31,896 5 (256-bit) Code

MEDS9923 9,923 1,828 9,896 1 (128-bit) Code
MEDS41711 41,711 4,420 41,080 3 (192-bit) Code
MEDS167717 167,717 12,444 165,464 5 (256-bit) Code

WAVE-822 3,677,389 18,900 822 1 (128-bit) Code
WAVE-1217 7,867,597 27,629 1,218 3 (192-bit) Code
WAVE-1612 13,632,308 36,359 1,644 5 (256-bit) Code

The performance of the methods in relation to the number of cycles used on the process is:

Method               Keygen           Sign         Verify
Dilithium 2 300,751 1,081,174 327,362 (Unoptimized, Ref, Skylake)
Dilithium 3 544,232 1,713,783 522,267
Dilithium 5 819,475 2,383,399 871,609

Falcon-512 19,872,000 386,678 82,339 (Intel e5-8259U 2.3GHz)
Falcon-1024 63,135,000 961,208 205,128

SPHINCS+128f 9,649,130 239,793,806 12,909,924 * (3.1 GHz Intel Xeon E3-1220 CPU (Haswell)
SPHINCS+192f 14,215,518 386,861,992 19,876,926
SPHINCS+256f 36,950,136 763,942,250 19,886,032
*Additional: SHAKE256-128f-simple

NIST Round 1 Additional Signatures (Reference implementations)
UOV-I 3,311,188 116,624 82,668 †
UOV-III 22,046,680 346,424 275,216 †
UOV-V 58,162,124 690,752 514,100 †

biscuit128f 82,505 9,653,412 8,734,302 ††††
biscuit192f 210,150 81,492,308 75,826,788 ††††
biscuit256f 353,223 1,147,099,575 137,359,832 ††††

CROSS-R-SDP-f Level 1 100,000 6,760,000 3,170,000 ††
CROSS-R-SDP-f Level 3 240,000 11,810,000 5,870,000 ††
CROSS-R-SDP-f Level 5 440,000 37,090,000 14,560,000 ††

AIMER L1 59,483 4,294,114 4,011,553 †††
AIMER L3 131,234 10,767,276 10,222,797 †††
AIMER L5 311,887 21,217,778 20,395,571 †††

Ascon-Sign-128f 5,939,611 115,382,780 6,972,950 †††††
Ascon-Sign-192f 10,939,221 243,023,163 13,058,030 †††††

pqsigRM-6-13 L1 2,034,133,439 2,232,288 242,901

FuLecca1 49,354,000 1,846,779,000 1,260,000 ††††††
FuLecca3 110,918,000 2,111,156,000 2,447,000 ††††††
FuLecca5 192,388,000 12,327,726,000 3,789,000 ††††††

SPHINCS-a-128f 1,036,602 26,635,716 2,028,186 †††††††
SPHINCS-a-192f 2,199,276 45,218,790 1,744,038 †††††††
SPHINCS-a-256f 4,286,574 91,335,474 3,175,290 †††††††

FAEST-128f 92,800 27,836,800 27,836,800 ††††††††
FAEST-192f 422,400 70,800,000 70,800,000 ††††††††
FAEST-256f 700,800 123,648,000 123,648,000 ††††††††

LESS-1b 3,400,000 878,700,000 890,800,000 Intel Core i7-12700K at 4.9GHz
LESS-3b 9,300,000 7,224,100,000 7,315,800,000
LESS-5b 24,400,000 33,787,700,000 34,014,000,000

MEDS9923 1,900,000 518,050,000 515,580,000
MEDS41711 9,800,000 1,467,000,000 1,461,970,000
MEDS134180 44,750,000 1,629,840,000 1,621,570,000

WAVE-822 14,468,000,043 1,160,793,621 205,829,565 Intel i5-1135G7 at 2.4GHz
WAVE-1249 47,222,134,806 3,507,016,206 464,110,855
WAVE-1612 108,642,333,507 7,936,541,947 813,301,900

† Intel Xeon E3–1230L v3 1.80GHz (Haswell)

†† Intel Core i7–12700 clocked at 5.0 GHz (from CROSS paper).

††† Intel Xeon E5–1650 v3 at 3.50 GHz

†††† 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7–1185G7 at 3.00GHz CPU

††††† Intel Core i5 10210U

†††††† Intel Comet Lake (Intel Core i7–10700) CPU at 2.9GHz

††††††† Ryzen 5 3600 CPU

†††††††† MD Ryzen 7 5800H processor at 3.2GHz


If you are interested in PQC, there is more information here:



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE

Written by Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.

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