Damgard-Jurik Homomorphic Addition

Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
4 min read1 day ago

I spent a happy hour with Ivan Damgård last week discussing a range of things:

One of his core advancements is the implementation of the Damgård-Jurik method [1]:

First, we select two large prime numbers (p and q) and compute:

and where lcm is the least common multiple. We then select random integer g for:

To encrypt a message (M), we select a random r value and compute the ciphertext of:

and then to decrypt:

and where L() is defined as:

If we take two ciphers (C1 and C2), we get:

If we now multiply them, we get:

And adding two values requires a multiplication of the ciphers. If we now divide them, we get:

Thus, a subtraction is equivalent to a divide operation. For this, we perform a modular divide operation. The coding is [here]:

import sys
import math
import sympy

import random

def generate_keys(key_size: int, s:int):

private = {}
public = {}

# picking a prime modulus p
p = sympy.randprime(200, 2 ** int(key_size / 2) - 1)

# picking a prime modulus q
q = sympy.randprime(200, 2 ** int(key_size / 2) - 1)

n = p * q
phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
g = 1 + n

private["phi"] = phi
public["g"] = g
public["n"] = n
public["s"] = s

return public,private

def generate_random_key(public) -> int:

n = public["n"]
while True:
r = random.randint(0, n)
if math.gcd(r, n) == 1:
return r

def encrypt(plaintext: int, public) -> int:

g = public["g"]
n = public["n"]
s = public["s"]
r = generate_random_key(public)
modulo = pow(n, s + 1)

# assert math.gcd(r, n) == 1
c = (pow(g, plaintext, modulo) * pow(r, n, modulo)) % modulo
# c = (pow(g, plaintext, modulo) * pow(r, pow(n, s), modulo)) % modulo
if math.gcd(c, modulo) != 1:
print(f"WARNING! gcd({c=}, {modulo=}) != 1")
return c

def decrypt(ciphertext: int,private,public):

phi = private["phi"]
n = public["n"]
s = public["s"]
mu = pow(phi, -1, n)
modulo = pow(n, s + 1)
return (lx(pow(ciphertext, phi, modulo),public) * mu) % (n)

def lx(x: int,public) -> int:

n = public["n"]
y = (x - 1) // n
assert y - int(y) == 0
return int(y)

def add(ciphertext1: int, ciphertext2: int) -> int:

n = public["n"]
s = public["s"]
modulo = pow(n, s + 1)
return (ciphertext1 * ciphertext2) % modulo

if (len(sys.argv)>1):
if (len(sys.argv)>2):
if (len(sys.argv)>3):

print(f"Private key: {private}")
print(f"Public key: {public}")


print(f"\nMessage: {m}")
print(f"\nCipher: {c}")
print(f"Decrypted: {dec}")

A sample run for a 256-bit key, and s=1 is [here]:

Private key: {'phi': 24001407654956119264721128387458981691220785025776976305747529296534434921096}
Public key: {'g': 24001407654956119264721128387458981691535418673875384690055859658797341718148,
'n': 24001407654956119264721128387458981691535418673875384690055859658797341718147,
's': 1}

Message: 17
Cipher: 384415440803606946384620962713753118937944833141614876023924448758702168125558444152634347525009513185366019685082817987474249492612237098447322494219673
Decrypted: 17

A sample run for a 256-bit key, and s=2 is [here]:

Private key: {'phi': 6091240706358163024705845011452310049528827638673364300996233701574105419056}
Public key: {'g': 6091240706358163024705845011452310049692888519273154963509416918349853868578,
'n': 6091240706358163024705845011452310049692888519273154963509416918349853868577,
's': 2}
Message: 17
Cipher: 118430786705261162890889105913722772229994929188193916717150526128048013954786153540173587843413022773633685287213680976978369843541736487268018811200393968429888136006503630689583854083211391712961105839946602470439713048899672
Decrypted: 17

and where we double the cipher range.

We can now implement homomorphic addition with:

The work on “A Generalisation, a Simplification and Some Applications of Paillier’s Probabilistic Public-Key System” received the Test of Time Award at PKC 2001.


[1] Damgård, I., Jurik, M., & Nielsen, J. B. (2010). A generalization of Paillier’s public-key system with applications to electronic voting. International Journal of Information Security, 9(6), 371–385.



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE

Written by Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.

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